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The Fantastiks - Genre (Hollywood musical movie) - El Gallo - 1995 - MGM - Director: Michael Ritchie

With Joey McIntyre/ Teller (Pen and Teller/ Jean Louisa Kelly and Joel Grey

(Edited by Francis Ford Coppola)

Vampire Journals - Genre (Horror) - Ash - 1997

Subspecies (The Awakening) - Genre (Horror) 

Torn Allegiance - Genre (Action) - Lt. Harry Wyckham - 1984 - S.A.B.C - Director: Alan Nathanson

With Sheilagh Holiday and Marius Weyers

Screamtime (" That's the way to do it”) - Genre - horror - Damien - Mason International - Director: Al Beresford - With Robin Bailey

Bad Pear Day - Genre - Psychological Thriller - Independent Movie - 2001 - Abadi Films - Director: James Abadi

Filmography: Bio

The Fantastiks -
El Gallo


Vampire Journals

Filmography: Portfolio
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